Leadpy's Diary

11/09/23 22:43

it's been a long day of work. cleaning up the mess of the cloning machine was not fun.
as per my last email, it's been blown up. by who? we don't know.
Okzmr enq cnlhmzshnm gzud addm rds azbj ax xdzqr.
Vgdm H zqqhudc zs ronnjvzu'r gntrd, H gnmdrskx dwodbsdc z annrs,
ats sgdx'ud addm sqntakd rhmbd h fns gdqd.
//leadpy out.

12/09/23 21:26

cleanup is now in full swing, and is going well.
parts are being recycled but some have been scrapped. i've taken some 3d scans too.
the teleporter is coming along well though!
while the energy core from the cloning machine was planned to be scrapped,
i managed to capture some substance radiating off of it and it's been a huge help!
so i've decided to begin full construction on that project.
//leadpy out.

16/09/23 23:01

apologies for not updating in a while. been busy planning a full exploration of Brian's house.
we're launching it tomorrow, with the teleporters' hopefully final update.
spookwav should have been there yesterday according to dinkle.
i found something interesting though. a polaroid from dinkle.
while it may not seem very interesting, i had to look further.
i scanned in the image and found out that it was taken in front of two teleporters, in the secret base.
"well, this isn't that strange! you has the teleporters, right?"
well yeah, but NEVER in the top level of the base.
i want to investiate this further, but i'm too tired.
maybe dinkle managed to make another set? i don't know.
//leadpy out.

hey all.
i was super tired and accidentally deleted the scan of the photo.
what was attatched was a photo of the wrecked cloning machine.
still no idea how it got there.

20/09/23 21:42

again, apologies for little updates. we've been set back a lot from spookwav's surprise visit.
though, we just managed to access a larger part of mrnintendo's house!
this has already been and will continue to be a huge help.
there's also something special happening soon. keep an eye peeled! it's gonna be fun ;]
//leadpy out

02/10/23 23:36

mu honest and sincerest apologies for absolutely zero updates.
i have been searching for the clone for countless days, and got lost near walthamstow
(where Brian lives) and i only just made it back to his house.
also, the clone is missing (if you hadn't inferred that). no idea how.
the tracker is offline, so no hope with that anyways.
i had already searched literally all around cambridge for it, hence why i was in walthamstow, but my gps died.
i seriously have no idea where the clone is. it's an issue, especially considering how important it was.
expect more consistent updates, hopefully.
//leadpy out.

03/10/23 20:48

hey all. still no signs of the clone today.
what remains of the cloning machine was beeping with a red light,
i'll have to check with dinkle to see what it means.
also i've hired the yello_# team for investigation.
C will be at spookwav's house and D will be at Brian's.
i don't have a very precise time of when they'll get there yet.
D supposes it'll be in around two months time,
but that could be wrong since C is less reliable.
also, apologies for this entry being a little early.
i'm going to bed early as i was woken up at 2am by the cloning machine's beeping.
//leadpy out.

04/10/23 20:00
things with yello aren't going too well. _D is fine but _C is unreliable as usual.
also, there's a new project we're working on.
this is a mini entry. expect something more tomorrow.

//leadpy out.
this entry has an accompanying blog post.

07/10/23 19:45
this entry was erased.

19/10/23 33:51
i'm heading underground for a few weeks. to do with a previous blog post, for those who saw it.

20/10/23 16:39
i've set up a wifi hotspot down underground. expect more entries soon. thank you for your patience.

i've been doing some mining as mentioned before, for raw diamond specifically.
after the blog post about diamonds i managed to order some diamonds online
and attempted to fuse them with the cloning machine's core, but that was a colossal failure. it lead to a meltdown.
i was carrying around a cheap camera at the time, and it seemed to be set off by the reaction, so here's what it recorded.
the corruption at the end of the footage was likely caused by the meltdown.
the progress bar seen in the video was on a monitor that we use specifically for the cloning machine, as it cannot be turned off.
if an emergency happens it will set off an alarm all through the base and on our phones.
further research lead to the discovery that raw diamond is absolutely necessary in order to not trigger a meltdown, so i'm underground, mining for raw diamonds.
i've also assembled a little base down here. i'll talk about what i'm using for mining in my next entry, but for now i've gotta sleep.

//leadpy out.

21/10/23 17:23
been doing more mining today. pretty successful, but not nearly close enough to the amount of diamonds i need.
as per my predictions, i'll be down here for around another week.
may write another entry today.

nothing special, i collected a few more diamonds today.
spookwav is at brian's house, so i'm considering going back and postponing my mining trip.
not sure yet though.
//leadpy out

nov 7
short entry. cant write much, low bandwidth. still mining. many weeks. leadpy out.

jan 1
this may be delayed as my site is going for a routine check on the 5th. this will probably be delayed for a few days.
Happy new year! I managed to gather half the neccesary diamonds for my plans.
i will probably be at the surface soon, as a little check-up. i was sent some distress signals by the team but they turned out to be false positives.
thanks for reading. //leadpy out.

thank you all for waiting this long - i have terrible news unfortunately.
my supply of diamonds - and other necessary resources - was almost completely diminished.
i have neen unsuccessful in my mission, so i am returning to the surface.
more construction will continue - stay tuned for blueprints and other info! //leadpy out.

take me home, please